Friday, February 26, 2016

How to join .ts segment files into one file ?

1- Arrange ".ts" files in the folder
2- Click (1)
3- Click (2) Browse and select "ts files"
4- Write video name in text box (3)
5- In zone (4) Choose video format
6- Click (5) to start


  1. hi when joining, getting impossible to open error. it is running as admin and no funky folder names

  2. Joining .TS files process errors and displays No such file or directory.
    This worked before and the joined Mp4 file went to the video files directory
    where the program files are located but now it cannot find this video files folder.
    Is there a way to assign a different folder for the output file ?

  3. Joining .TS files process errors and displays No such file or directory.
    This worked before and the joined Mp4 file went to the video files directory
    where the program files are located but now it cannot find this video files folder.
    Is there a way to assign a different folder for the output file ?

  4. Joining .TS files process errors and displays No such file or directory.
    This worked before and the joined Mp4 file went to the video files directory
    where the program files are located but now it cannot find this video files folder.
    Is there a way to assign a different folder for the output file ?
